A Christmas Story, the Preview

We had a Preview Night last night, where friends and family were invited to view the play. We had a dozen or so people. Not many, but still this was a non-stop run through of the play. So having done the play in front of an audience, and having made only a few small mistakes boosted my confidence.

I have not counted the paragraphs, line, words or otherwise that RALPH/NARRATOR has, but there are a lot lines if not half the play. And all memorized. I am still a little nervous about opening night but I do feel better about my capabilities.

There are extremes like Keanu Reaves memorizing every single line of Hamlet or Shirley Temple who knew everybody’s lines in any of her movies. And then there are the countless complaints about those who just can’t remember any of there lines.

I would hope that I would be remembered as one who can, or rather I would not like to be remembered as one who cannot remember his lines.

But on the other hand, it was suggested to me by my acting coach, Chris Cole Harris, that I should memorize everybody’s lines because of the role I had in this play. It is possible and even during rehearsals, you do hear the lines over and over to the point of memorization.

I suppose, maybe I should have, but I am satisfied.